My first church I attended was a non-denominational called "Christian tabernacle"
I was saved as the Holy Spirit drew me to the Church on a monday night,[this was when they had a small group that trained and visited people that had visited the church or requests.They used the excellent "evangelism explosion" Gospel presentation.]The pastor took time to tell me the Good News of Jesus Christ.I discovered wednesday night bible and prayer meeting,they also had guests like Wycliffe Bible translators,missionarys,as well as prayer and praise.other mid week oppurtunitys were offered.I always looked forward to sunday school from great gifted teachers.The sunday worship and expository bible preaching were a high point of the week and help face the world,flesh,and devil.That was the 70's and that church moved,fragmented,from the inner city.
I can't find a church like that one around the area I live now, and it is sad.But I will not stop praying and hoping.Jesus is still on the throne.And He has the answer and will help. Revival may be coming soon.
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